Learn about some longstanding Redmond businesses, and the community organizations that support them.

Local businesses are at the heart of any community. They provide important services with a personal touch and reflect the community they serve.

Small businesses are a powerful economic force! They employ more than half of the nation’s workforce, and typically contribute more to community causes like local charities and fundraisers than their national counterparts.

Whether it's sponsoring an event or a local Little League team, small businesses have a direct and quantifiable impact on the communities they are a part of -- but they also play a role in how we perceive our communities and in how we remember them.

For example, many Redmond residents remember getting ice cream at Theno's Dairy or making a quick stop at T-D Feeds. These locations make up the backdrop of our day-to-day lives, and become fixtures in our memories.

As Redmond has changed, so have many businesses in our area. Over the years some of these local business have closed, while others have opened. Years from now, which local businesses will you remember as your favorite coffee shop or dinner spot?